Monday, June 23, 2014

Poetic Justice: Micah 1:1-16

Today we will begin a new sermon series through the Old Testament book of Micah.  My desire has been to preach through a sampling of the prophets this summer and while our series through Jonan has certainly been than, I wanted to look at one more of the prophets besides Jonah because Jonah, being mostly narrative, is so unlike the rest of the prophets. Micah is an outstanding snap shot of the Old Testament prophets.  The prophets in general tend to sting a little because they are normally calling God’s people who have broken covenant with Yahweh to repent of their wickedness.  However, along with a message of judgment, the prophets, especially Micah, also deliver a message of hope that there will be redemption for God’s people beyond the judgments being pronounced. 
 The book of Micah begins with a message that is desperately needed in the church today.  The people of God had become a very wicked and worldly people, and so in Micah 1:1-16, Micah boldly calls them to repentance, reminding them that Yahweh will be faithful to judge wickedness among His people.  The Assyrian revival that took place in the book of Jonah was now over, and Micah warned God’s people with the threat of an Assyrian invasion and captivity if they did not repent.  The reasons I say that this message is desperately needed in the church today is because the church, at least in America, has allowed much worldliness and wickedness to creep in.  Most any statistics you read today indicate that there is very little difference between the church and the world.  Micah’s message is a sober warning that God will not ignore wickedness among people who claim to be His people.  He will be faithful to judge wickedness in our lives.  Honestly, there are probably people who fit this description this morning.  To put it simply, you are not where you need to be with God and you know it.  My prayer for you today is that God would bring you to a place of genuine mourning and repentance over your sin and turn you back to Him. 
 [1:1] The word of the LORD that came to Micah of Moresheth in the days of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, which he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem.
[2] Hear, you peoples, all of you; pay attention, O earth, and all that is in it, and let the Lord GOD be a witness against you, the Lord from his holy temple. [3] For behold, the LORD is coming out of his place, and will come down and tread upon the high places of the earth. [4] And the mountains will melt under him, and the valleys will split open, like wax before the fire, like waters poured down a steep place. [5] All this is for the transgression of Jacob and for the sins of the house of Israel. What is the transgression of Jacob? Is it not Samaria? And what is the high place of Judah? Is it not Jerusalem? [6] Therefore I will make Samaria a heap in the open country, a place for planting vineyards, and I will pour down her stones into the valley and uncover her foundations. [7] All her carved images shall be beaten to pieces, all her wages shall be burned with fire, and all her idols I will lay waste, for from the fee of a prostitute she gathered them, and to the fee of a prostitute they shall return.
[8] For this I will lament and wail; I will go stripped and naked; I will make lamentation like the jackals, and mourning like the ostriches. [9] For her wound is incurable, and it has come to Judah; it has reached to the gate of my people, to Jerusalem. [10] Tell it not in Gath; weep not at all; in Beth-le-aphrah roll yourselves in the dust. [11] Pass on your way, inhabitants of Shaphir, in nakedness and shame; the inhabitants of Zaanan do not come out; the lamentation of Beth-ezel shall take away from you its standing place. [12] For the inhabitants of Maroth wait anxiously for good, because disaster has come down from the LORD to the gate of Jerusalem. [13] Harness the steeds to the chariots, inhabitants of Lachish; it was the beginning of sin to the daughter of Zion, for in you were found the transgressions of Israel. [14] Therefore you shall give parting gifts to Moresheth-gath; the houses of Achzib shall be a deceitful thing to the kings of Israel. [15] I will again bring a conqueror to you, inhabitants of Mareshah; the glory of Israel shall come to Adullam. [16] Make yourselves bald and cut off your hair, for the children of your delight; make yourselves as bald as the eagle, for they shall go from you into exile. (Micah 1:1-16 ESV)
I.              The TEXT (overview)

a.     Title & Summary (1:1)

What we learn in Micah 1:1 is that this book is a collection of oracles (about twenty) that came to “Micah of Moresheth” during the reigns of Judean kings Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah (2 Kings 15:32-20:21; 2 Chronicles 27:1-32:33) concerning God’s people.  These oracles are to be considered the “word of YAHWEH” both then and now to us.  One commentator said that we should take our shoes off our feet when we hear this phrase![1]

b.     The Coming Judgment Announced (1:2-7)

Micah 1:2-7 contains a judgment oracle, which is sort of a “courtroom” scene where God brings a case against a party and renders a verdict upon them.  This particular oracle has “Samaria” (the Northern Kingdom of Israel) as its focus.  In verses 2-4, this courtroom scene begins with YAHWEH calling all the “peoples,” or nations, to court to bring His case against them (2).  He will only mention His people, but we will talk about how that is a case against all nations in a minute.  For now, just notice this truth that we see all throughout the prophets in the Old Testament: that Yahweh is the sovereign God of the nations to who all nations and peoples are accountable.   
In this court case, Yahweh is the Witness, the Plaintiff, the Sovereign Judge, and even the Executioner (2-4)!  God is not just a “witness” in this case, He is “coming out of His place,” a phrase that implies that Yahweh is marching out for battle (Judg. 5:4; Isa. 26:21; Zech. 14:3).  The “high places” of the earth are seen to be under His feet, the mountains “melt under Him” like “wax before the fire” and “waters poured down a steep place,” the valleys “split open” (4).  This is an awesome and dreadful scene!  The implication of this scene is that God is coming down to execute justice upon some guilty party. 
What has Yahweh so riled up?  Of all these nations that He has called to court, which one does He have beef with?  We receive a shocking answer in verse 5: Yahweh’s beef is with His people!  He is going to do “all this” because of the “transgression of Jacob” and the “sins of the house of Israel.”  In other words, God’s people have broken covenant with Him.  That God’s judgment is going to be upon His people would shock both His people and the nations.  For God’s people, He is no longer being seen as their safe stronghold, but a dreadful Judge who has a case against them.  Also, this case against God’s own people would send a jolting message to the nations.  Everyone knows that a policeman who would write his own mother a ticket is certainly not going to cut him or her any slack!  Likewise, if God will not tolerate the sins of His own people, then the nations can be sure that Yahweh will not tolerate their sin either.
God passes the sentence upon Samaria in verses 6-7.  He is going to level Samaria and lay her idols waste.  Notice the images of destruction here: Yahweh is going to make her ‘a heap in the open country,” a “place for planting vineyards,” and He is going to “pour down her stones into the valley” and “uncover her foundation” (6).  Notice also that God’s people are guilty here of idolatry and that their worship of idols has been futile (7).  Here’s how God’s people had broken covenant with Him: instead of loving Yahweh with all and above all, they were loving and worshipping idols.  God’s people were to have no other gods before Yahweh.  Since they would not do away with their idols, God was going to and in a way that would show them just how impotent their idols were.  That is what is going on here in verse 7 with the statements about temple “wages” and “the fee of a prostitute.”  Pagan centers of idolatry were primarily financed through payments to cult prostitutes.  These wages would then be used to construct the idols to be worshipped there.  God says here that these idols would be beaten to pieces, melted back down, and molded into other idols by the Assyrians.  You can read about this actually taking place under the Assyrian ruler Shalmaneser in 2 Kings 17. 

c.     The Coming Judgment Lamented (1:8-16)

Micah 1:8-16 contains a song of lament which has “Jerusalem” (the Southern Kingdom of Judah) as its focus.  The big idea in this song is that God is going to bring disaster to Jerusalem’s gate and exile her people for their sins.  What they need to do is to lament and mourn over their sin as Micah does and also repent to avoid this terrible judgment. 
The song begins with Micah’s mourning in verses 8-9, where he demonstrates the heart that we should share anytime we are calling sinners to repent.  Micah preaches judgment with such love in his heart that he weeps over his audience.  Also, in going about “stripped and naked,” Micah is giving his people a vivid picture of being exiled as Isaiah did (Isaiah 20:3-4).  Micah’s symbolic weeping ritual wraps this section with the idea of exile (see verse 16). 
In verses 10-15, Micah mentions eleven towns that were west of Jerusalem.  Some of these are Judean towns, and some are Philistine towns.  The towns that belonged to God’s people were towns that would be taken on the way to Jerusalem during an invasion.  Micah poetically wraps this section in Davidic allusions and uses word plays on the name of nearly every town to describe the disaster that is coming to Jerusalem if God’s people do not repent.  As far as Hebrew poetry goes, this is poetic justice at its finest!  Notice first how the list of towns is wrapped in Davidic allusions.  First, Micah says to not tell this news in Gath (10a).  Gath was a Philistine town and Micah is actually quoting David in 2 Samuel 1:20, where David lamented over the death of Jonathan and Saul.  Micah is saying that his news for Judah is something that will make their enemies rejoice, so they should not tell it to them.  Finally, he says the “glory of Israel” will go to Adullam (15b).  This is where David fled from King Saul to: the cave of Addulam (1 Samuel 22:1; 2 Samuel 23:13).  The message is that Israel’s leaders will need to flee for their lives just as David did. 
Then notice the word play upon nearly every town name given here.  Beth-le-aphrah means, “House of Dust.”  So those who are of the house of dust are to roll themselves “in the dust” (10b).  Shaphir means, “Beauty Town.”  So the inhabitants of “Beauty Town” are going to be marched away in “nakedness and shame” (11a).  Zaanan means, “go forth” or “come out.”  So “coming out” town needs to “not come out” (11b).  Beth-ezel means, “House of Taking Away.”  Their standing place is going to be taken away from them (12a).  Maroth is told to “wait anxiously for good,” but also that it is not going to come because disaster is coming to the very “gate of Jerusalem” (12b).  Lacish, which was a formidable military fortress, is told to harness their war chariots to racehorses so that they can get out of dodge!  There is another play on words in the Hebrew here: it says that “lakis” (Lacish) is to “larekes” (harness the steeds).  Notice here also that Micah says that “sin” began in Lacish; that in Lacish were found the transgression of Israel.  I believe this is a statement about their dependence upon their military might.  In the Old Testament, trusting in one’s military might was just as much a form of idolatry as worshipping literal idols was and also caused damage to covenantal faith. 
Moresheth-Gath sounds like the Hebrew word for “one who is betrothed” (me’orasah).  God’s people are going to have to give “parting gifts” (a dowry) along with this town to the Assyrian invaders.  Achzib sounds like the Hebrew word, “akzab,” which is used here and means, “decieftul.”  In other words, the “Deceitful Town” shall prove deceptive to Israel’s kings.  Mareshah sounds like the Hebrew word used for “conqueror” here.  A “yoresh” is going to come to “Maresh-ah.”  The word play and rhyme is obvious in this song, but the big idea is simply that God is bringing disaster to Jerusalem’s gate (12).
Micah’s song here ends with another statement about exile.  Since disaster is going to come to the gate of Jerusalem (12), God’s people need to shave their heads (a sign of deep mourning), mourn, and repent.  He warns here that their very children in whom they delight will be marched away into exile because of their wickedness (16).  This too came to pass…Sennacherib’s invasion

II.            THE POINT (application)

a.     Micah’s Message is a Call to Take Our God Seriously

God is not soft or indifferent to sin, especially not the sin of His people.  Unlike His people who break covenant with Him all the time, God is a faithful covenant partner.  Part of God’s covenant with His people in the Old Testament included curses if they were disloyal (Deuteronomy 28-32).
Many people have a view of “God” today that basically makes Him out to be a push over paw-paw in the sky who will just look over their sin.  This view of God is rampant in the church today, where people who call themselves Christians think that since they are covered by grace now they can live how ever they want and God will understand.  Friend, if that is your view of “God,” then you need to repent of idolatry because you are not worshipping the God of the Bible.  The God of the Bible struck down Annanias and Saphira for lying about their offering in Acts 5:1-11.  The God of the Bible poured out judgment upon members of the Corinthian church for taking the Lord’s supper in an unworthy manner (1 Corinthian 11:30).  God knows what you do on Friday and Saturday night folks.  He knows the truth behind all your empty excuses as to why you have no time for Him or His church.  He sees what you do in the dark.  He knows that some of us in this room claim to be Christians but are a wicked and worldly as the devil.  You may fool me and everyone else in this church, but you do not fool God!  And here is what is more, He will not be mocked: “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.  For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.” (Galatians 6:7-8)
One of the members who went on our last mission trip to Africa shared with me how they spotted a lion in the game park the visited on the last day of their trip.  Their tour guide suddenly stopped the vehicle and stated that there was a lion ahead.  No one, not even the tour guide with his binoculars, could see it, but as they eased around, sure enough, there he was taking a nap.  When asked how he knew there was a lion, the guide said that it was all the other animals that alerted him to the lion’s presence.  In any direction you looked every other animal within sight was frozen in fear and looking in the lion’s direction.  This is how seriously the other animals take the king of the jungle, even when he is sleeping!  Friends, how much more serious should we take our God?  He is the King of the Universe!

b.     Micah’s Message is a Call to Take Our Sin Seriously

This passage calls us to take our sin very seriously.  There is no sin in the universe that will ever go unpunished, even among God’s people (even for believers, our sin was punished upon the cross), because God’s justice demands that sin be paid for.  Samaria and Judah’s sin was idolatry, which is the worship of something or someone other than God.  It is a failure to love and treasure God above all else and with all of our hearts.  Rather than gods’ of wood, metal, or stone, our idols today are things like money, sex, drugs, technology, power, and perhaps the most powerful of all, self. 
In 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Paul has some pretty strong language for people who do not take their sin seriously: “[9] Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, [10] nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. [11] And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.”  Paul says that these kinds of people, whether they call themselves Christians or not, will NOT inherit God’s kingdom.
How do we know that we are taking our sin seriously?  First of all, if you are taking sin seriously in your life and in this church, then it should break your heart.  It did Micah’s.  He mourned over the sin of His people.  Sin in the church and in our lives should break our hearts.  Secondly, if you are taking sin seriously in your life, then you will be making war with it.  That’s what repenting of sin is: constantly making war with sin.  Repentance doesn’t necessarily mean you will never struggle in an area again, but it does means that you will constantly go to war with it and try to kill it.  Puritan John Owen said that we should “be killing sin, or it will be killing” us!  Repentance is the goal of every word of Judgment (Jeremiah 18:1-11).  What is remarkable is that in Micah’s day, though Assyria did nearly invade Jerusalem, King Hezekiah heeded God’s warning and repented.  God, in response, spared Jerusalem from the Assyrian invasion (Jeremiah 26:17-19).
Perhaps the greatest reminder of how seriously our God takes our sin is the cross of His Son Jesus Christ.  We must never forget that God did not deal with our sin by sweeping it under a rug, but by demanding justice up His Son.  This is the greatest news in the world for sinners like you and me.  What chance do we stand before a God who takes our sin this seriously?  Our only hope is that this God also loves us so much that He would make a way to judge our sins without having to judge us.  This is the good news of the gospel, that God has made His own Son who knew no sin to be sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21).  God now offers us forgiveness of our sins and eternal life if we will place our trust and our deepest hopes in His Son, who after paying for our sins, rose again from the dead, never to die again.  Will you give your heart to Him today? 

[1] Bruce Waltke, TOTC: Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, 151

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